EFour supports business mentors as well as entrepreneurs

EMentoring Program
Does your organization or program utilize mentors who work with entrepreneurs in-person?
Many micro-entrepreneurs in low-income areas don't have access to computers or the internet, so they can't be coached remotely. Under these circumstances local mentors provide valuable face-to-face business advisory support. But the mentors can often use help as well.
Our EMentoring program "mentors the mentors" virtually if they have computers and internet access. Here's how it works.
Local business mentors receive remote training and coaching from EFour Enterprises, and they in turn provide in-person business coaching to entrepreneurs who lack internet and/or computer access.
Modules consist of small group Zoom sessions with EFour, followed by field implementation with the business owners over 1-2 weeks between sessions. Mentors learn how to teach the topics, and sessions include an interactive discussion and evaluation of the fieldwork from the previous module.
The EFour coach serves as a resource throughout the program to help mentors address issues experienced by their entrepreneurs. The coach is available between sessions and after the initial training for a designated period for ongoing support.
EFour can assist in selection of both mentors and entrepreneurs if needed, and multiple groups are possible.
Mentor coaching takes into consideration the resources available to entrepreneurs (i.e., manual recordkeeping).
Templates, worksheets, etc. will be provided.
Mentor certificates of completion are available.